Czech TSW  Partner Integrative Guidance
  Integrative Guidance - for Handicapped People on the Jobmarket

Czech Republic
Project Running Time:

DP Managing organisation: Masaryk-University Brno / Brünn

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The main goal
Part goals


The society supports the integration of young disabled people by many arrangements. In nowdays are creating integration classrooms in a main stream school, projects of advicement in the proces of entering from school to the trade market.
Integration trends which are arrising in the Czech school from 1991 are achieving not only the educational but they too interfere to the trade market, social, health care including the ethics of the social life.
All these trends should lead to the inclusion, early socialisation of disabled persons adn increase the attitute of the society to the people towards the minorite groups.

In the Czech advise system are not the specialists who would be able to solve work orientation of students at the primary and secondary special schools. Profesional support for students and their parents to choose a future job and during the transfering to the sondary schools.

Project should solve the conection and aplication of the new methods of diagnostic and ergo-diagnostic to the goal advice from the health care area. The advice systém on the field of education should be enforced by well prepared specialists for the needs of the job orientation in the frame of the social service to improve the diagnostics and the following put at the practice on the labour market. This problem is partly solved by the Act about the comprehensive rehabilitation, which should be supported by this project.

Without the proper advise system for disabled students is almost impossible their full work integration.

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The object of this project is to improve the function of the advise system in the Czech Republic, especialy in the area of the employment orientation of disabled students.
The existing advise system is not applyed to the employment orientation and without changes in this area can not be achieved the higher quality of the supporting disabled student by choosing their future employment orientation.

The main goal:

The main goal of this project is to create the effective monitoring groups by the principle of the partnership, which would achieve the goal of conection of the advise educational institutions, health and social service (the integrate system) based on the support of employment of disabled people at the open work market in the city Brno and apply this experience to the region of South Moravia. The results of this project confront with the results of the similar research which is done by prof. Hovorka at the University in Klagenfurkt.

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Part goals:

The main goal will be realised by the realisation of the part goals:

1. Into the advice school integrate the special consultant worker who would be oriented to the job orientation in the complex point of view.

2. Create the new methodic materials and create the working contents of the new advice worker

3. The control of the function of the work of the new adviser. At the secondary schools help to solve problems which are because the wrong choose of the future work orientation

To achieve the project goals, it is necessary the vocational and institutional co-operation. Particular steps should be done gradually and adapt them. At he beginning it is very important to co-operate with the particular organisations and institutions. The qualitative and quantitative problem will be solved during the running of project.


Website of the Czech Partnership "Integrative Guidance" with links to further information.
In Czech and in German language only

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