TSW  Transition from school to work  Übergang Schule Beruf



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We are a European network
of five partners from four countries. We fight for:

More chances for young people with disabilities

More self - determination by personal assistance, personal future planning ...

Better networking with all who are involved in the process

More about our goals and results plus more useful information for you:

click on the links on the left!

More information about our partners and the EU-subsidized initiative EQUAL you'll get by clicking on the links at the bottom.


....TSW-Partner: INTequal - Austria|TSW-Partner: OPEN DOORS - core skills and equal opportunities for people with disabilities - Germany|TSW-Partner: K B T B - No handicap despite handicap - Germany|TSW-Partner: VMT Schools, Netherlands|TSW-Partner: Integrative Guidance, Czech Republic|Equal  - The Community Initiative  - Europe