TSW  Transition from school to work  Übergang Schule Beruf




The TSW - Homepage

The Layout:
Each site of this Homepage has several parts (the html code avoid frames). The home pages are seperated in four areas: head area, main menu, text area and below the TSW partner links. All graphics on TSW are labeled by alternative texts.

a. Head area
b. Main menu
c. Text area
d. Links of our Partners
e. Navigation

a. Head area:
The head area contains the headline (title) of the page,which is displayed the same way at all subpages.

b. Main menu:
Main links for navigation are in the main menu of this page. The Main link page is implemented dynamicly, i.e. links are different at each page (further details at point e. Navigation). In the Main menu graphical links are avoided.The Main menu layout changes, if the screen resolution and font size is modified.

c. Text area:
The text style is Verdana and the font size is variable. This texts could be included links to other parts or other pages. Always the user are informed in case of leaving the TSW-Homepage. The text area could be included Email adresses. TSW is not assuming responsibility of the links to other homepages and Email adresses.

d. Links of our partners:
On both home pages (German/English) are graphic links below the textarea to the Homepage's of each TSW - partners. By using this get you short message of leaving the TSW - Homepage.

This Side can be using by mouse

go to the Top

Navigation by using the Keys

Navigation by using the Keys depend on the Web - Browser. Generally is this side controlable by key's.

The following list content the important key's for using:

InternetExplorer, Mozilla, Netscape:

Step to next Object [TAB]
Step to previous Object[SHIFT] [TAB]
Step to previous side [ALT] [bolt left] oder [Backspace]
Step to next side [ALT] [bolt right]
Step to the side top [Pos1]
Step to the end of side [End]
scroll down [Space] or [Page down]
scroll up [Page up]
Step to URL-Adress [F6]
Side reload [F5]
Text seek [STRG] [f]

Step to next Object [a]
Step to previous Object[q]
Step to previous side [ALT] [bolt left] oder [Backspace]
Step to next side [ALT] [bolt right]
Step to the side top [Pos1]
Step to the end of side [End]
scroll down [Space] or [Page down]
scroll up [Page up]
Step to URL-Adress [F8]
Side reload [F5]
Text seek [STRG] [f]


Special for Text-Browsers (for example Lynx) has each page a hidden step flag on the Top of it. This step flag is always skipping the whole menu area and jump to text area.
All graphical links have alternative text descriptions, so Lynx users should not have problems.

go to the Top