TSW  Transition from school to work  Übergang Schule Beruf



Thematical Working Groups (AG) of the transnational partnership TSW

Results and products of the working groups you will find at the TSW-Homepage by clicking the link "RESULTS"

If you were interested in the ongoing activities of the working groups, please contact the AG-coordinators via Email-addresses

AG 1 Curriculum
Coordination: Czech TSW-Partner "Integrative Guidance"
Contact: Prof. Marie Vitkova

During the whole transnational partnership, this workgroup is collecting and analyzing curricula and plans for education and vocational training for young persons with handicap, which are developed or used by the project partners in Germany, Austria, The Netherlands and the Czech Republic. A selection from this will be presented on conferences and printed in anthologies, to show "best practice" and creativity in Europe, at the specific backgrounds in different countries.

AG 2 Network school-profession
AG 3 Features for quality

These two working groups have been united.
Coordination: German TSW-Partner "KBTB - Keine Behinderungen trotz Behinderung" and "OPEN DOORS - Schlüsselqualifikationen und Chancengleichheit für behinderte Menschen"
Contact: Jörg Bungart (KBTB)
Hans-Reiner Bönning (OPEN DOORS)

According to the main target "Inclusion and equal participation in social life for handicapped people", this group develops and describes the essential features for a successful transition from school to work. Studied from different point of views: "professionals", young handicapped people, their parents. All methods, service and support have to guarantee, that the person with handicap is the key person in all activities. The features for quality will be linked to different levels and areas: main targets, methods (principles and instruments), structures and strategies for mainstreaming. The expected product could be used as a "tool" - to evaluate the recent offers of institutions, services, networks etc., to identify examples of "best-practice", to improve the own practical work as well as the support by politics, legislation and administration. The product will be presented as a CD-Rom, maybe as a website too, first released for testing on a conference in April 2005, in Berlin.


AG 4 Awareness raising with regard to enterprises
Co-ordination: Austrian TSW-Partner "INTequal"
Contact: Otto Lambauer

The working group is occupied with the issue of how and with which different means and methods employers can be brought to employ disabled persons. The experiences of the Austrian and German participants were compared in several meetings and different approaches discussed. The result of the working group will be a CD-Rom, which will present these different approaches and tools with regard to how to develop, plan, execute and evaluate awareness raising propositions. This CD-Rom will also describe tools, which are helpful when approaching potential employers concerning job acquisitions


AG 5 Personal future planning and ITP
Co-ordination: Dutch TSW partner "Empowerment door transitie"
Contact: Freerk Steendam

The objective of the working group was to examine, whether and how we as schools can portray the future to youths. For this purpose it is necessary to ask the youths specific questions and to develop an instrument, with which we can pave and execute a future-oriented path based on these answers.  

We are concentrating on the preparation of this instrument, the individual transition plan (ITP). The transition leads to educational situations, in which the youth(s) are the focus and his/their possibilities, desires and dreams are the starting point. This is the transition from care to support.

In order to be able to answer the youth’s questions it is important it to know, what the perspectives of the young people are after leaving school. The following must be ascertained: What are the skills and the possibilities of the individual person(s) on the labour market?

The youths will also always independently determine their learning and training process. A precondition for this is that the youths learn to learn independently. The teacher thereby becomes the accompaniment of the youth(s) on their path to independence. All this is included in an ITP.

The ITP contains long-term and short-term objectives as well as a time frame, in which the concrete activities for the realisation of the objectives are specified. This ITP is a training/work contract, signed by both partners and in which the school and the youth(s) keep a check on each other. This procedure is evaluated and discussed regularly and discussions on the progress take place. This is carried out by an interdisciplinary team.


AG 6 Assistance
Co-ordination: German TSW-Partner "OPEN DOORS"
Contact: Pandelis Chatzievgeniou

A „Central European Assistance Brochure“ is currently being prepared. It will contain a definition of personal assistance and describe the types of assistance (e.g. personal assistance, work assistance). It will furthermore describe the financial preconditions and political impulses concerning the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Austria and Germany. Political impulses for the European Union will finally be formulated.


AG 7 Sustainability
Co-ordination: Austrian TSW-Partner "INTequal"
Contact: Bettina Pallas


A central objective of the transnational partnership TSW is to safeguard the sustainability of the results achieved in the framework of all thematic working groups (WG). With this in mind the WG 7 will compile a grid, with which all transnational partners can discuss and determine the dissemination of the results of the appropriate working group. The products will then be made available to the appropriate contact persons and institutions for further use or further processing in the national context for the purpose of Mainstreaming. 


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