Austrian Partnership INTequal
  INTequal - integration for youth with disabilities in Lower Austria

Project Running Time: Action 2 and 3: until 31.08.2005

DP Managing organisation: Federal Social Office for Lower Austria

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DP Substract
The main objectives of the DP INTequal
INTequal modules

DP Substract:

The development partnership (DP) INTequal offers cross-linking and the establishment of new professional integration measures in the province of Lower Austria for young disabled people up to 25 years of age at the interface school and occupation in the region of Weinviertel and in the district of Baden.

Starting points of this cross-linking are personal integration paths, which are offered by means of so-called project modules by regional organizations.

These are to be examined for effectiveness and efficiency and if required supplemented and improved, in order to be able to take current requirements of working life into consideration as far as possible.

Transnational European Union partnerships as well as project co-operations in the Southern Moravian area of the Czech Republic extend the knowledge transfer of INTequal also in view to a "best practice policy" for reaching the integration goals.

INTequal works as a secretary of the European network "TSW"

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The main objectives of the DP INTequal are:

INTequal follows internationally recognized guidance principles of integrative disability work and -pedagogics:

·Principle of Human Rights

·Principle of lifelong learning and development capability

·Normalization principle

The principle of self determined living and full social participation in all areas of life and life phases is seen as a substantial principle for the individual action steps. Vocational and social integration is thus understood as indivisible for humans irrespective of the type of disability.

INTequal consists of the following 5 groups of modules:

Module groupe 1 -Core qualification. The qualification accomplished in three pilot projects orients itself primarily on the integration possibilities into working life

Module groupe 2 -Extended qualification. It is ensured in four pilot projects - not least in preparation for lifelong learning - in that general and concrete education areas are made accessible with the help of education assistants.

Module groupe 3 -Community work. Public institutions, regional policy, business and counseling institutions are interlaced in two pilot projects with a view to the integration of disabled persons in regional examples.

Module 4 -Brochure. A comprehensive brochure should facilitate the counseling activities and the information possibilities of interested persons.

Module 5 -Scientific accompaniment: The pilot projects as well as the national and transnational interlacing are scientifically accompanied and evaluated in this module.

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INTequal modules:

INTequal consists of the following 5 groupes of modules:

Module groupe 1 - Core qualification:
The qualification accomplished in three pilot projects orients itself primarily on the integration possibilities into working life

Module groupe 2 - Extended qualification:
It is ensured in four pilot projects -not least in preparation for lifelong learning - in that general and concrete education areas are made accessible with the help of education assistants.

Module groupe 3 - Community work:
Public institutions, regional policy, business and counseling institutions are interlaced in two pilot projects with a view to the integration of disabled persons in regional examples.

Module 4 - Brochure:
A comprehensive brochure should facilitate the counseling activities and the information possibilities of interested persons.

Module 5 - Scientific accompaniment:
The pilot projects as well as the national and transnational interlacing are scientifically accompanied and evaluated in this module


Website of the Austrian Partnership "INTequal".

In German language only

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